Saturday, December 5, 2009

A moral to live by.

So, a couple days ago, I had a dumb moment. I know what most of you are thinking, "WHAT!, say it isn't so, not Emily, she never has those." I hate to break it to you like this, but I do. Anyway, like any other morning, I got up, put on my husbands bathrobe, and started making breakfast. If that is TMI for you, maybe you shouldn't be reading my blog. I had just finished cleaning up and was sitting down to eat my own bowl of cereal when I heard a knock on the door. "Who the heck is at my house at this hour of the morning", I thought to myself. So I looked out the peep hole. There was this lady, all dressed up and holding a clip board. "Sales lady?????", I thought, "JW???? Census taker????? OH CRAP! I have a meeting this morning." Yes ladies and gentlemen, I had a meeting with my sons case worker and had totally spaced it. Well what was I to do, I ask you? I had to open the door, she had obviously heard me and the kids moving around inside the house. So there I was, standing there in my husbands bathrobe holding a bowl of cereal, apologizing my butt off for my appearance. Did we have the meeting, you ask. Yes. Was it totally awkward? Yes, but will I remember the next one? YES!!! The moral of this story is, if someone knocks at your door to early in the morning...................................... just pretend you didn't hear it and hide untill they go away!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dawson turns 2

Hi, my name is Dawson and today I am 2. I am 36 3\4 inches tall and 30 lbs.
I love to run and climb. I have almost all my teeth and enjoy brushing them. I still don't say very much, but I am working with a speech therapist and just had my first hearing exam. It looks like I am having trouble hearing on my left side. But not to fear, they think they can correct it by putting in tubes and clearing the ear canal. Keep me in your prayers.

Smile for the camera Dawson, Dawson up hear. SMILE!!

OOOO look! something shiny!
Oh ya, look at the camera. Crap, I keep forgetting.The cake was fun. Don't be to impressed though, I had help.

I molded the tractor out of rice-crispy treats, then frosted it. My friend Don made the wheat and mud field.

He blew them out all by himself.
He was sooooo excited about his new bike.
We made a big tractor out of washer and dryer boxes.
But mostly the kids just liked running around.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Halloween this year was a blast. The boys went as cowboys in outfits that grandma "D" and mom made them. Dawson looks more like Barny Fife that John Wayne, but what ya gonna do.

At the trunk-or-treat at the church, they got to go up on stage and have a costume parade. Their 5 min of fame.
At our Halloween party this year, costumes were mandatory. Jacob went as Humphrey Bogart, and I went as my alter-ego. "Bambie" Ya, I know. Yikes!!!! Nuf said.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

This year we grew our own pumpkins in our garden, so the boys were super excited to go pick and carve them. It was so fun watching Justin go out every day to see if they had grown BIGGER. Then when it came down to actually carving them, he wanted the smallest one, go figure.

Dawson had a blast pulling out, what his brother called, " EWWWW GUTS!". To wich Dawson replied,"EWWWWWLYUCK!".

Shawn and Nathan didn't care much for the texture and made mom do all the work.
Don was having way to much fun.

The finished product.

Dawson and Becca spent most of the time on the couch watching a movie.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

The pumpkin patch this year was soooo much fun, though it was harder trying to keep up with two boys rather than just one.

They raced up the hay stack. Which didn't really work because Justin had to keep coming down to help his brother.

Dawson loved the hay ride.

Yes, Jacob got the pic and let him fall. Don't freak out, he was fine.

This was the rubber duck race, but all the ducks were gone.

We're still picking corn out of his cloths, among other places, thanks to the GIANT corn box.

The blob was by far the best. It's like the coolest trampoline ever. It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's Super Justin.

Poor Dawson kept getting knocked down, so he resorted to using it as a slide.

Now this was just funny.

Dawson was totally freaked out for the first 5 min.
We made our way through the pumpkin patch, but just to look around and ride in the wagon. We grew our own pumpkins at home this year.

Next our our list of fun was the peddle carts. Last year they had big carts for adults, but this year we had to make do with the kiddie ones.
Justin drives like a maniac.We took the boys through the corn maze, but I was to busy reading the map to take any pics. oops. I also missed the pig races, the petting zoo, the lassos, the kiddie maze and most importantly.............A FAMILY PIC. AHhhhhhhrrrrrgggggggg. Oh well. Next year.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Picture time at the train yard.

For the life of me I could not get both of them to look at the camera
at the same time, let alone smile.

But they did have fun playing on the tracks.

And Dawson was very intrigued by the wild flowers.

He was being so cute, trying to be just like his brother.
I just love trains. They make the best back drops.