Monday, January 17, 2011

4 months old\6 years old

Justin turns 6

Justin started kindergarten this year, and is loving it.
He also got a new sister in the same week, and is a very good big brother.
He lost his first tooth, and also got to ride a sheep in the rodeo.
All in all, a pretty good year.

4 months old

Alison weighs in at 15lbs -75%
26 1\4 in long-97%
(she is finally back on the growth charts for height)

She talks all the time, and can now roll over both ways.
She always wants to be up right so she can see, and she is loving baby food.
Once, believe it or not, she even got into the crawling position.
But she promptly face planted. Whew!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Play list

I know this has nothing to do with my kids, but, I just wanted to say.........................................I'm in love with the guy who sings the first 3 songs on my play list. Just say'n.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Once upon a time, a little boy got a hold of the clippers.

Then he rapidly began to age.
The End!

Baby's first Christmas.
NOT a happy camper.

The boys, on the other hand, were stoked!
They got guns, and waders to go duck hunting with daddy.
So frik'n cute.

And a new outside toy! Secretly this one is for mom.
It keeps the kids outside.(insert evil laugh here.)

We finally got an updated family pic.
We all had to wear hat's thanks to Dawson.(Refer to upper story)
Dawson would not take his eye's off the ducks for anything.